donderdag 30 april 2009

a Home

So done with winter and getting ready for summer
And no better way to start a summer than having a home. My first own spot and on a perfect spot in Innsbruck. 32 sqm, with a garden and it will feature a sleeping couch. I will be working on a agenda on who comes when so no worries!
Besides that my Rafting course will start tomorrow and will also keep you posted about the progress I make with that!

maandag 27 april 2009

Verwall teletour

So back home from the telemarkskitour with Roos
It proved to be an true Crashcourse into teletouring for her. But we managed to enjoy it. I am working on the story so you can join in on the adventure we had. I also learned a few things, it is not necessary that the way up is quicker than the way down with touring, tourskiing is definitely more efficient than telemarktouring And if an OLD guidebook says that you don't need a key then maybe you should check or just sleep outside.
For the rest: the season is over! And will start going over to summer in the upcoming weeks
So will keep you posted on what is happening in my live.

maandag 20 april 2009

last man standing

So it seems all other instructors left and I am the only one working.
It is totally empty on the mountain, no snowboarders, no skiers, no snow...
Clearly the end of the season. Tomorrow the last day of work for me, I am the only group this week and only have 2 people left.... Weird feeling!
And then start Touring after that, hunting for better snow!

Will be back in a week or so.

donderdag 16 april 2009

Touring in Verwall2

A second attempt to go touring in Verwall, this time together with Roos and on telemarks.
Easy spring conditions should help to make it a succes, but we will see.
The work days seems to be over since the guests are no longer here.. but there is still snow, and early in the day the conditions are good and atfernoon is all about sitting and chilling in the sun.
Will bring the camera so before the Rafting will start I can update some of them!